Friday, October 30, 2009

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

Here is the deal, there is this new t-shirt company advertising all over Facebook, not going to say their name but it rhymes with mishmembassy, and there is this uncanny resemblance to our previous lines, and by resemblance I mean completely retread and redid our old designs. It wouldn't bother me so much except for the fact that they blathered on about how they want to bring freshness and creativity etc to the market and they are tired of the same ol' stuff from the same ol' gay t-shirt companies...(us) thank you very much.

In order to understand my point of veiw on this subject, I need to make it very clear we welcome competition and it makes the industry better as a whole. The result being : doing better work to stay ahead of your competition. In fact, 2 new gay t-shirt companies that are our competitors, I completely respect for their market positioning, their graphics and the guys who run the companies. They make the t-shirt market better for everyone, consumers and designers alike. It keeps everyone on their game. I love the work they both do and would buy it myself....check it out for yourself by visiting Killerbob graphics and Bearded Guy Designs. Both awesome, well thought out product lines.

I'm not posting this to be a douche bag but rather to bring attention to the fact that this isn't the way to compete against us. I want you guys to succeed on your own merit...and I saw some stuff that is really good....go in that direction, and stop retreading our old shit. This isn't moving the field of gay t-shirts forward, it just redoing our old shit....your customers deserve something better than this, and as artists you should demand more from yourselves.

Take a look at the convenient chart I made to demonstrate some of the ajaxx63 redux.

I felt like I was taking a walk down memory lane...ah good times, good times.

Dudes, you have been called out, don't get pissy just focus on new concepts and designs.


MiLoPDXer said...

Sounds like you need a good trademark infringement attorney. If so, contact me at

DeanTucker XXX said...

well you know your good if they make cheap imatations. but they still never get the cuts right or the strech the originel is always best!!!!!!

Unknown said...

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. However in competitive business that is just pathetic. I am proud to know the owners of Ajaxx63 and brag about them personally and professionally to all my friends

Love you both. Here is too new success and T-shirts for 2010.

Greg T