Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Quitting Smoking at ajaxx63! Beware!

We are all about good health at ajaxx63...okay well maybe we are all about looking like we are healthy. And right now, all of us smoke and we are all going to quit 9/11/08. I know dramatic, but that is what we all all into right now, being dramatic and reclaiming our good looks...and our lungs good lucks. Sure we have all had a good run with smoking, hanging out in front of the Cuff, sitting in cafes pretending to read books,(Dez!) chilling by the company pool and so on. But no we are all hagged out wheezy booze bags and need to reel in the smoking and find another thing to occupy our time. The only thing I'w concerned about is my BF who last time he quit smoking he kicked a hole in the door to the bathroom at work. This time I hope he can do some on the fly anger management and chill before he destroys our ware house.

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