Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dean Tuckers Hot Ass!

Dean did a porno a while back and a review of it came out which and I quote "Dean Tuckers takes a big cock up his big ass." When I read the review I couldn't stop laughing(who wouldn't?), cuz, if you know dean like I do, this is a big deal. When I read it to him over the phone he was so upset and whined "why would they say I have a big ass? Do I? Oh my god! I have a fat ass! I don't have a fat ass! Fuck that shit" That is porn star talk for "what'ya goin do?" But I knew he would have a melt down, and that is why I printed it out and stuck it up on the wall at work. I'm not mean, I just wanted to see Dean run around work screaming to everyone that would listen that he isn't fat. And to be honest, he isn't fat or even heavy, anyone that works out and smokes as much as he does is not fat. Ask Linsay Lohan.
Picture: the big ass scene from the Missing from Hot House 2006


Dan-Boy said...
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Dan-Boy said...

I was visiting seattle from victoria with a friend (first time going to gay bars) and saw dean and some friends at the cuff feeling up each others ass in a big circle... this make so much more sense now after reading this
p.s. love the shirts