Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Model Spotlight: Erin McDarby

Erin is a mid-western transplant to Seattle. Currently, he is working as a bartender at the Cuff. A hugely popular bar in Seattle's Capitol Hill neighborhood. Our wildly attractive art director, Bill Sherman, took notice of Erin as he mixed up his Red Bull Vodka splash of cran (as he is known to drink). It occurred to Bill that Erin had to do the fall collection for ajaxx63. Erin has the look and style that perfectly reflects what the ajaxx63 man is all about. Casual and comfortable with his look, which with Erin, runs the gamut of styles encompassing,a 1970's porno sea captain to a british jogger on a foggy sunday morning. He loves fashion but in an understated way that is seamless, never pretentious, and usually a bit provacative. Working with Erin was a breeze. Fun, talkative, and easygoing, the shoot went off without a hitch. (Check out Erin's pics on our site).

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